What to Expect at Your Visit


Our goal is to make your family as comfortable as possible!  Being prepared always helps.  Please find below some information to help make the experience more pleasant for both you and your child. 


All patients under 16 MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at each appointment.  If a parent or legal guardian is not available to do so, we must have a proxy consent completed with the parent’s signature to authorize care.  Adolescents between 16 and 18 years of age may come by themselves provided we have the parent or legal guardian’s written permission. 


Upon arrival please present your insurance card to verify your coverage and notify the front desk staff of any changes to your contact information. 


At each well visit your child will be weighed.  They may also have their temperature taken. 


For Routine Physical Exams: 

Your child will be measured, and depending on the age, a blood pressure, hearing test, vision test may be done.  They may be also asked to do jumping jacks and give us a urine sample.  Please ensure they are wearing loose clothing that can be easily moved.  They may be asked to remove garments. We will be happy to provide them with gowns as desired. 


Beginning at the age of 13 years old, the doctor will ask to speak with your child alone.  They may also ask to exam your child alone.  Please make sure your child is aware prior to the visit. 


Immunizations may be given depending on the age of your child and the dates they received their prior immunizations.  Only the doctor or the nurse will have the correct answers to immunization questions.  Please save your questions for them. 



Urgent and Follow-Up Visits: 

Please make sure your child is dressed in loose fitting comfortable clothing.  The doctor may need to move the clothing around and may ask them to address and put on a gown depending on the concern.  Please help by preparing your child. 



You will ALWAYS be given sufficient time to ask the questions you may have.  It helps to take a few minutes prior to coming and make a list for the doctor.  It doesn’t have to be on paper, you can jot notes in your cell phone.